Messages' Rules

This dialog is designed to setup specific rules of messages. It is divided in two folds:

Rules for Messages
Rules for messages are designed to set criteria for receiving electronic mail (message size, attachments presence), to specify what to do with mail having received it from the server (locate in folder, delete). You can add new rule by pressing the button New in this dialog. To change rule, use the button Modify and to remove button Delete.
If you click New, a new dialog will open, where you can specify the new rule. In the first input field, you can choose condition for the message (another dialog to enter additional information may be opened), in the second input field, you can select action that is performed if the condition proves to be true (another dialog for additional information may be opened too). In the third field you can see complete reading of the rule, and in the fourth, you enter the name of the new rule.
Blocked users
Here you can find list of users, whose e-mails will be completely ignored or they will be just deleted from the server.